Hire our facility

We also offer opportunities to hire our space for coaches and private hire for workshops, seminars, photoshoots and other events. If you would like to find out more about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Strong for life facility

About our facility

Information about the facility

Hire options we offer

These are some of the hiring options we offer.


1-to-1 coaches

Unlimited access hire for self-employed one to one coaches.

two people talking

Private hire

Private hire for group coaching, workshops, seminars, courses, photoshoots etc. These slots/days will be possible during off peak times eg during day in the week, weekends etc.

I want to hear more

Contact us to know more about our facility

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Client Testimonials

Here’s what our wonderful clients are saying.

Contact Us

Strong For Life,
Unit F3, Base Business Space,
‍Chamberlain Rd,

Free Ebook

The fat loos formula ebook cover, Sam Young coach at Strong for Life looking shredded.
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